“Among the four celestial beings of Eastern astrology, known as guardians representing the four elements, the ‘Azure Dragon of the Sea’ holds its place. These four legendary creatures include the Phoenix, White Tiger, Genbu, and the Dragon, each corresponding to the elements of fire, metal, water, and wood in chronological order. In Japanese, this dragon is known as Seiryu, denoting its mastery over the element of wood.
The blade of this remarkable creation has been expertly forged and polished to achieve a brilliant finish. Its glossy handle showcases a scale design inspired by the mythical ‘Seiryu – Blue Dragon,’ one of the four divine creatures believed to bestow success, career advancement, and financial prosperity. This introduction marks the inception of the ‘Souryurin’ series, narrating RYUSEN JAPAN’s relentless pursuit of ‘sharpness’ and ‘beauty’ in exquisite detail.
For its cutting edge, a novel material named ‘VG10W’ is employed. This high-grade cutlery steel, VG10, is enhanced with tungsten (W) to enhance both its durability and sharpness. The unevenly hammered blade creates a layer of air between the blade and the food, improving its cutting precision.
Furthermore, the sharp tip of the blade lends itself well to intricate tasks. The distinctive ‘Souryu scale’ handle, featuring a scale pattern, is crafted from a specialized resin blend based on polyurethane. RYUSEN JAPAN’s unique ‘Reborn handle’ is not only well-balanced but also comfortable to hold, thanks to its smooth, highly water-resistant material.
Please Note: The handle colour varies from light to quite deep ochre.
SANTOKU (San – 3 & Toku – benefit): This is the classic Japanese chef’s knife. It is flat from the handle end for about ½ way to the tip and then gently curves to a point. It is ideal for straight vertical chopping, horizontal slicing and roll cutting. Function – Multi-purpose chef knife. For Slicing, Dicing and Mincing of vegetables, meat and fish. Normal length – 165mm to 180mm (smaller 140mm are available in a few collections) Tip: The 170mm/180mm is the most popular multipurpose knife.
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