The Nagomi Maru Series, made in Seki, Japan, a town long known for its cutlery due to centuries of Samurai sword making. Meticulously crafted by a cutlery master in the town. A full tang solid stainless steel is made from an ice hardened 440 high carbon stainless steel. Entire blade is soaked into the -170°C degree Nitrogen liquid to have blade extra flexibility and longer edge retention plus non-rusting properties.
The goal of Nagomi Maru series, is to promote Harmony and Comfort through a unique design element, is to simplify the food preparation experience which will ultimately result in exceptional meals to be enjoyed by yourself, your family and friends. Make you fun to cook with these knives.
Santoku literally translates as ‘three benefits’ – slicing, dicing and mincing. This is one of the most evenly balanced Santoku’s we have ever encountered. The breadth of blade is ideally suited for cutting against the knuckle with speed – this technique provides safe comfortable cutting action only when the fingertips are clawed well away from the edge with the blade resting on the knuckle. This is for multi function use on raw flesh, makes this knife one of the best knives for the preparation of vegetables. For slicing, dicing, mincing and chopping can bring to even the most jaded of cooks.
Utility blades upto 6” are designed for any task requiring precision, comfortable peeling & paring or any function easier performed with a small blade more suited to the user or task. With its partner, the 180mm Santoku, this little knife is all that is required by even the most demanding cook looking to de-clutter their kitchen whilst still having ultimately functional tools which are aesthetically stunning as well as in keeping with the Japanese ethos of form in harmony with function.
SPECIAL NOTES: Not to be used on bone or for ANY kind of twisting or prising. CUT ONLY on wood or HDP. Do not allow Knives to be abused as screwdrivers, tin openers etc. Designed specifically for food preparation, FOR CULINARY USE ONLY.
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